Welcome to ‘Academy’, the photography blog by Michele Pero
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First photo taken in 1984. First black and white film roll developed in 1986. Professional photographer since 1992. Worked in the fields of product photography, architectural photography, photojournalism, fashion industry, cinema, printing service, and more. Biology and chemistry scholar. DIY addicted. Photography teacher for over 20 years.
This is what I know, what I study, what I have been working on and teaching for 25 years so far. This is and what I like to share with you.
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All articles are © Michele Pero. All rights reserved. You can share post link or quote. Please respect copyright and always mention me, backlink my website and my social network wherever you are sharing. Thank you.
Our houses (Unsere Häuser / Le nostre case) A wetplate project for the 16th Werkstattwoche Lüben Lesen Sie dies auf Deutsch / Leggi questo in Italiano Würde (Dignity) in Our Houses project ‘Our Houses’ is the title I decided to give to the project I carried out during my residence at the 16th Internationale Werkstattwoche…