Welcome to ‘Academy’, the photography blog by Michele Pero
Articoli in italiano qui (link).
First photo taken in 1984. First black and white film roll developed in 1986. Professional photographer since 1992. Worked in the fields of product photography, architectural photography, photojournalism, fashion industry, cinema, printing service, and more. Biology and chemistry scholar. DIY addicted. Photography teacher for over 20 years.
This is what I know, what I study, what I have been working on and teaching for 25 years so far. This is and what I like to share with you.
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All articles are © Michele Pero. All rights reserved. You can share post link or quote. Please respect copyright and always mention me, backlink my website and my social network wherever you are sharing. Thank you.
Classification of Werkstattwoche in regard to artistic tendencies By Andrea Griess [This essay is linked to the post of ‘Our Houses’ – visit it here] Dear visitors of Internationale Werkstattwoche, my task is to classify the many works presented in the exhibition in terms of art history and, above all, to relate them to the…
DetailsThis is a recurrent question: what is fine art photography and what does the word “fine art” mean in this sentence? What are the differences? Guidelines for to work in the photography field. What is editorial photography and how it can be included in a photography career? Should you be an artist or a pro…
DetailsThis is the second part of the post “Darkroom and Law in Italy” Once, the photographer’s darkroom was a room with a table and a sink, with an enlarger and some running water, with many boxes of photo paper and bottles with chemicals. A very artisanal way of doing photography. Then the World began to say that…
DetailsA photographer’s darkroom. A tail of a crazy loop into crazy rules in Italy TheDarkroom is a brand originated from an idea by Michele Pero, photographer and photoreporter that turned into real a dream: to share a traditional film darkroom with other people, students of photography classes or professionals. The first darkroom school was established…
DetailsSince the beginning of my career as a photography teacher, my main goal has been to teach my students to be critical thinkers and go beyond the limits imposed on them by technology and camera manufacturers’ marketing strategies. I strongly believe that, when it comes to buying your equipment, you should make an informed choice…
DetailsFive years after the earthquake that hit Abruzzo and destroyed L’Aquila, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, TheDarkroom wants to present an extract of the story “99 pictures for L’Aquila” Made in 2012 by students of the academic year of professional photography and multimedia, the project aimed to denounce the impasse in…