Alternative and classic photography courses

Wetplate collodion, salt paper, cyanotype, Vandyke Brown, kallitype, carbon, albumin, basic analog photography, darkroom photography, black and white film development, large format photography and much more

Leggi questa pagina in italiano qui.

Here you will find the courses offered by Michele Pero Photography. Check the IT-Corsi menu if you are interested in attending events held in Italian language. Thanks.

Scheduled courses with TheDarkroom Academy

Whenever possible we schedule courses together with TheDarkroom Academy. These workshops are held on fixed dates and require the registration of a minimum number of people to be set. They are advertised on this front page, in the Blog section and of course in our partner’s website by TheDarkroom Academy.

If you don’t see any scheduled course listed here, that means they are expired. Come back to see when new scheduled courses will restart, apply to our Newsletter or just contact us for more information.

On demand courses by Michele Pero

Most of my courses are “on demand“. Just inquiry me and we will set up your course together. Starting from a single participant, these courses can be requested at any time of the year, by prior arrangement on the day.

To apply, just choose your course list and use the contact form provided on its own page. Write me for any information and to set the day.

Sometimes we list events planned

Wetplate collodion workshop Michele Pero at WE Studio Berlin Germany

Wetplate Collodion Workshop | WE Studio, Berlin

This is a one-day Wetplate Collodion Workshop, which takes place at WE Studio in Berlin, Germany When: Scheduled for July 16th 2023 The Wetplate Collodion Workshop at WE Studio is a one-day full-immersion hands-on workshop that takes place in Berlin, Germany. Participants will learn the basics of wetplate collodion photography, operate on a large format…


Corso fotografia analogica e regola del 16 Umbria

Corso fotografia analogica Città di Castello Umbria

Corso fotografia analogica Città di Castello Umbria Impara a fotografare a pellicola, a sviluppare e stampare foto analogiche in camera oscura Il corso di fotografia analogica a Città di Castello (Perugia) Umbria è rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliano avvicinarsi al mondo della fotografia analogica, per fotografare col rullino e sviluppare con la chimica in…


Corso di camera oscura a Città di Castello, Umbria, per sviluppare e stampare fotografie in bianco e nero.

Corso di camera oscura a Città di Castello, Umbria

Corso di camera oscura a Città di Castello, Umbria, per sviluppare e stampare fotografie in bianco e nero. Questo è un corso “on demand” cioè lo potete richiedere quando volete. Basta fissare assieme il giorno e il corso si fa anche con una sola persona.  Il corso di camera oscura a Città di Castello, Umbria,…
