This is Jessica project
This is a work in progress project: come back to see the new entries!
‘This is Jessica’ is a title and also an invitation to get introduced to her, because she’s not a professional model. This is her first time ever on a photographic set. This work wants to be an hommage to such a daring girl who has discovered a new herself in front of a lens.
‘This is Jessica’ begins with wet plate collodion photographs. Wherever possible we take two or more shots, so some sets are presented in more options, since every taking is an original. Some plates are converted in negatives so we can offer prints with alternative printing processes such as cyanotypes, Van Dyke brown, salted paper and so on. Check the next galleries.
All photos are copyrighted © Michele Pero/Jessica, all rights are reserved, copying and/or downloading is forbidden.
You can purchase originals from the Shop section of this website. Thanks.