Michele Pero The Defective Photographer logo

The Defective Photographer

Launching these days The Defective Photographer. Why defective? Because The kind of photography I’m doing today is as defective as I am. I’ve been committed with perfection for decades. But…what is perfection? Am I perfect? Can I make something perfect? Perfection is very subjective. Who can say he or she is perfect? We all know…

Narita camera 18x24cm by Maison Naert Bruxelles

The Narita camera 18x24cm is on the go

Just finished to restore my new camera, this Narita 18×24 cm camera from Maison Naert Bruxelles, made probably at the beginning of the XX century. I purchased the Narita camera in England. It arrived in a very good shape and it just needed some cleaning and a polish to the wood. I had to remake…

Alternative Photographic Processes Workshop in Umbria

Alternative Processes Workshop in Umbria

Wet Plate Collodion, Salt Paper Printing, use of the 16 Sunny Rule and Pinhole Photography Experience. All in one three-days workshop to be held in Città di Castello, Umbria, on July 3-4-5 2020. The workshops will be taught in Italian language this time. Applications and programs at this link.
