Werkstattwoche Lueben 2023

Back to Werkstattwoche Lueben again

I’m back to the Werkstattwoche Lueben again! The International Art Symposium of Lüben will take place in Lüben, Wittingen (Germany) from June 30th to July 10th and I’ve been selected to attend it. Artists from all over the World are invited to submit their applications. I’ve been selected to take part to this fantastic art melting…

Michele Pero Photography | Biography

Internationale Werkstattwoche 2017 Lüben art symposium

Michele Pero is invited to take part at the “Internationale Werkstattwoche 2017” in Lüben, Germany, 21.-30.07.17. The art symposium in Lüben (Wittingen, Germany) happens every two years. It involves many artist from Worldwide and from various art disciplines (photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, and so on). For ten days artists will work in the same location…