Michele Pero The Defective Photographer logo

The Defective Photographer

Launching these days The Defective Photographer. Why defective? Because The kind of photography I’m doing today is as defective as I am. I’ve been committed with perfection for decades. But…what is perfection? Am I perfect? Can I make something perfect? Perfection is very subjective. Who can say he or she is perfect? We all know…

Courses and Workshops of Photography

Alternative and classic photography courses Wetplate collodion, salt paper, cyanotype, Vandyke Brown, kallitype, carbon, albumin, basic analog photography, darkroom photography, black and white film development, large format photography and much more Leggi questa pagina in italiano qui. Here you will find the courses offered by Michele Pero Photography. Check the IT-Corsi menu if you are…

Quote partecipazione corsi on demand

Quote di partecipazione ai corsi di fotografia “on demand” I corsi di fotografia “on demand” possono essere prenotati da un solo partecipante. In base alla disponibilità il corso può essere frequentato nella data scelta, anche per più giorni consecutivi. Se hai ancora delle domande sul corso scelto, per favore usa il modulo di contatto che…

Participation fees for on demand courses

Fees for participation in “on demand” photography courses The “on demand” photography courses can be booked even by one participant only. Based on availability, the course can be attended on the date of your choice, even for several days. Please use the contact form provided within the course page to request information on that specific…